This episode features Jocelyn Fox, a 2010 graduate from the U.S. Naval Academy. In this episode, you’ll hear how Jocelyn has always managed to balance her creative passion for writing with a desire to be hands on, whether it be with athletics, her pursuits at the Academy or in the military, or during her current career in Federal Law Enforcement. From being one of the founders of the field hockey team to writing 11 fantasy novels, this is a fun episode with a lot of twists and turns that really help to highlight how we all can develop different sides of our personality simultaneously. Enjoy the show!


  • Coming from a sports-oriented family
  • Being a perfectionist in an environment where they force you to fail
  • Being a founding member of the field hockey team
  • Failing out of flight school
  • Ending up as a Surface Warfare Officer
  • Balancing writing while also serving in federal law enforcement


  • Can you tell everyone where you’re from? What school you went to and when you graduated?
  • Can you give everyone 1-2 lines about who you are?

2:03 PART I:

  • What made you choose a Service Academy – and what made you specifically choose the U.S. Naval Academy?
  • Is there anyone else in the military in your family?
  • Did you look at other Academies? 
  • What did you think you’d be doing after you graduated? 
  • What was the process like for you getting into the Academy?

11:03 PART II:

  • Tell me about that first day.
  • Facing the reality of going to an Academy vs what she thought it was going to be like.
  • How did the first summer go?
  • Facing forced failure as a perfectionist.
  • If you had to sum up your time at the Academy in one word, what would it be?
  • What were some of the highlights of your time at the Academy?
  • Being a founding member of the field hockey team.

22:00 PART III:

  • Did you gain any clarity about what you wanted to do post-graduation?
  • What major did you choose?
  • What were some of your lowlights at the Academy?
  • Struggling in Leatherneck.
  • Being a rule follower and struggling with different personality types at the Academy. 

34:00 PART IV:

  • As you approached graduation, what was the plan?
  • Tell me about life post-graduation.
  • Working at the English Department at the Naval Academy until flight school started.
  • Failing out of flight school.
  • Ending up as a Surface Warfare Officer (SWO) and immediately getting deployed.

45:10 PART V:

  • How long did you stay in the Navy and what happened after that deployment?
  • Deciding to fleet up.
  • Being a Boarding Officer and going to Rescue Swimmers School.
  • Why did you decide to get out and how did you get to where you are today?


  • Developing a career as a successful author while also serving in federal law enforcement.
  • How do you currently feel about your decision to attend an Academy?
  • Do you have any parting words for listeners? Perhaps a key message to your fellow Service Academy sisters?
  • What’s one random fun fact about you?
  • Where can people reach you?




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