This episode features Sammie Blea, a 2011 graduate from the U.S. Naval Academy. In this episode, you’ll hear all about how Sammie navigated the shock of moving from a tight-knit family in a rural mountain town in Colorado all the way across the country to the distant East Coast city of Annapolis Maryland; how she managed hearing the devastating news while at the Academy that her mom had cancer; and how she’s been able to reframe her many ups and downs into a form of personal resiliency instead of viewing her time at the Academy as one of pure survival. Enjoy the show!


  • Transitioning from a small town in Colorado down to the coastal city of Maryland.
  • Managing the stress of learning her mother had cancer while at the Academy.
  • Getting and then losing a flight contract and being forced to go SWO.
  • The transition to becoming an officer.
  • Balancing her military career while also prioritizing time with her mother.


  • Can you tell everyone where you’re from? What school you went to and when you graduated?
  • Can you give everyone 1-2 lines about who you are?

1:50 PART I:

  • What made you choose a Service Academy – and what made you specifically choose the U.S. Naval Academy?
  • Having a large support network, both in the family and in town
  • Choosing Navy and sticking with it

9:30 PART II:

  • What was the plan going to the Academy?
  • Did you visit the Academy?
  • How was that first day when you showed up?
  • If you had to sum up your time at the Academy in one word, what would it be?
  • How did things go when you showed up?

18:50 PART III:

  • Finding out her mom had cancer during plebe year.
  • What were some of the highlights of your time at the Academy?
  • Experience during the exchange program at USAFA.
  • When did you switch your major from chemistry?
  • Getting and then losing her flight contract and being forced to go SWO (Surface Warfare Officer).

29:00 PART IV:

  • What were some of the major lowlights for you at the Academy?
  • Feeling guilty about her mom’s cancer diagnosis. 
  • Dealing with sexual assault.
  • Having her gallbladder removed while at the USAFA.

38:00 PART V:

  • Tell me about your life post graduation.
  • The transition from the Academy to being an officer.
  • Being one of two females on a ship.
  • Managing divorce with a former classmate.
  • Earning her SWO pin.


  • Where are you today?
  • Transitioning out of SWO to IP (Information Professional).
  • How do you currently feel about your decision to attend an Academy?
  • What’s next for you?
  • Do you have any parting words for listeners? Perhaps a key message to your fellow Service Academy sisters?
  • What’s one random fun fact about you?
  • Where can people reach you?


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